SCSC Employment Opportunities

To apply for any jobs listed here please scroll down for the link below.  There are two parts to the applications, please complete both.

K-12 Dyslexia Specialist

South Central Service Cooperative will be hiring a full-time K-12 Dyslexia Specialist.  Requirements must include the following:

  • AR Teaching License

  • At least 5 years of teaching and/or administrative experience preferred


Expertise in (i) Phonological and phonemic awareness; (ii) Sound and symbol relationships; (iii) Alphabet knowledge; (iv) Decoding skills; (v) Rapid naming skills, (vi) Encoding skills; and (vii) Language comprehension. 

  • Fluent in the RTI process. 

  • Understanding of 504 and IDEA.

  • Highly trained in dyslexia and other disorders 

  • Expertise in presenting to adult learners 

  • A deep knowledge of screening tools 

  • Knowledge of administering screenings, analyzing and interpreting screening data, and determining appropriate interventions that are systematic, multisensory, and evidence-based; 

  • Ability to have tactful and difficult conversations 

  • Ability to focus on a state-developed single message around dyslexia services.

    Responsibilities: ● Provide information and training around screening and level 2 assessments. ● Provide information on the new Cambium K-3 screener and assessment ● Visit each district in their region regularly to monitor compliance components: ● Screening of students exhibiting characteristics of dyslexia ● Interventions ● Reporting to parents ● District reporting ● Partner with districts to analyze student data to determine effectiveness of the interventions and develop a support plan. ● Attend all DESE required meetings ● Contribute to resources for districts, teachers, and parents ● Collaborate with other DESE support partners ● Collaborate with state-wide dyslexia specialists on special projects ● Provide regional and state-level professional learning and support

Posted 3/14/2025

Speech Language Therapist

South Central Service Cooperative will be hiring a full-time speech-language therapist licensed by the state of Arkansas. This therapist will serve children aged 3 to 5 years.  Therapy will be provided to children who require developmental assistance in daycares, homes, and preschool settings. Interested therapists may apply by following the instructions below.  Competitive salary and great working team.

Posted 4/12/2024

To apply for any of these positions complete ALL steps below:

STEP 1:  Complete the SCSC Employment On-Line Application form. Click Here.

The application requires a resume and/or a copy of a valid AR Teaching license, Speech-Language Therapist license, AA degree, CDA credential, or high school diploma as relevant to the particular job for which you are applying.

STEP 2:  Complete the Applicant Data Record form.  Click Here

Completed application packets will be sent electronically to Karen Kay McMahen at