SCSC recently had twenty one participates finish their Lead Teacher Designation with the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching.
Teachers participated in NIET’s Lead Professional Educator pathway attended and engaged in four core teacher leadership-focused trainings: Leadership Structures for Teachers, Continuous Development of Instructional Practices, Using High-Quality Data to Drive Instruction, and Facilitating Growth for Others. Between trainings participants completed performance tasks with support from NIET specialists and a networked with teachers in their cohort. NIET and SCSC believes that teacher leaders are a powerful lever for improving educator effectiveness and ensuring all students have opportunities for success. Here is a list of teachers that are now Lead Teachers in our schools. Congratulations to
Amanda Barnes |
Kristi Cook |
Allana Hinton |
Stacy Mitchell |
Leia Hickmont |
Ashley Johnson |
Dara Barnett |
Melissa Britt |
Mary Langley |
Connie Browning |
Susan Ferguson |
Brie'Anne May |
Kathy Wells |
Sonya Plyler |
Kristi Nutt |
Christy Owen |
Ashley Reed |
Melissa Rowe |
Shelby Lamkin |
Kristi Grillo |
Isabelle Gathright |