SCSC Partners with TNTP
South Central Service Cooperatve
April 8, 2024
The TNTP Arkansas Lead Professional Educator (LPE) program supports experienced teachers to grow their leadership skills, earn the Lead Professional Educator (LPE) designation, and support others on their campus while continuing to teach full-time in their schools. Participants in the TNTP LPE program will: Deepen their Pedagogy, Motivate and Influence Others through Relationships, Positively Impact their School Campuses, Support Retention of Strong Teachers Invested in Student Growth.
We believe flexibility and job-embedded professional learning is essential to ensure a sustainable and high-quality program. That’s why our pathway to the LPE designation takes place over a school year, so that participants can apply their learning, all while balancing teaching full-time. Teachers will participle in monthly learning modules in the early evenings via Zoom. In addition, participants will participate in bimonthly individual coaching sessions during their planning periods at school. In between new learning modules participants will have pieces of their portfolio to complete and submit in a Google Classroom. This portion is estimated at 20 hours per month. The entire process is completed from August to May. Deadline is May 2 to be involved in this next year's cohort. Scan the QR code above for the application.